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Synergistic Consciousness™

At AGAM sanctuary we have developed a space that interweaves the health of people and our planet.

In a society filled with tight schedules, traffic jams, and taxes, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose connection with our true nature. The inherent nature of our souls that longs to be limitless, interconnected, and free of the seemingly monumental but realistically trivial worries of modern society. At Agam sanctuary, we provide a space for people to disconnect from the trivialities, and breathe into their authentic boundless nature. The nature that is old, deep, and constant; the same nature that breathes our breath, waves the ocean, and births new stars; the consciousness that hums through the trivial and monumental moments.

We remind humans of their wholeness through wholesome food, education, and environment, with daily mindful practices, activities, and play. With the help of animals, we rehabilitate humans, re-establishing and reminding participants of our unity with the gentler inhabitants of our planet. Through our animal family, we are reminded to slow down, look around, and observe the wonder of nature's creations. Their simple acceptance, gentle presence and joyful interaction provide a vibrational space that cannot be replaced by even the most advanced machines invented to date.

The land itself is a high vibrational space. Totally off the grid and free of traffic noise, EMF, and technological distraction, it is a place where one can truly settle down and dissolve into their elemental essence. With hikes through the San Rafael mountains we are reminded of our ultimate capability. With medicinal herb walks we are reconnected to the nurturing generosity of mother earth. With practices in permaculture we deepen our roots by sinking our hands into the dirt, and harvesting the abundance she provides. The land we walk on reminds us that each step is a blessing, and to leave only footprints with a better inheritance for future generations.

Let the magic begin ....... the biggest magician is the one who created this world, and gave us the tools to let us truly be ourselves time 'n' again.