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Mind, Body, and Soul

The holy trinity has been observed and praised for eons, the meaning enigmatic and variously described, but at AGAM, we describe it as the synergy of Mind, Body, and Soul. The Soul is old, constant, and ultimately connected. It is the occupant sitting on the throne of the chariot of mind and body that we ride through life, gathering experiences and data that shifts the course of our future.

The mind is the horse, the force that drives and directs our body through the circus of experience, turning us this way and that, using the limited data it has experienced over its life to extrapolate outcomes that determine the direction of our course. It is ultimately a super computer, gathering and processing data at an unfathomable rate. It is when we get stuck on that data or a certain experience, that the processor starts to go haywire. The short circuiting of our amazing brain on an experience like emotional trauma, certain stressors, or improper thought, are what begin the disease pathway, disconnecting us from our wholeness of mind, body and soul. When all three are integrated, they work synergistically. The mind is constantly processing and replying to new information, pulling archived data when needed, but ultimately present, while the body follows the commands of the presently attuned mind, and the soul enjoys the ride. When the mind loses connection to the present and starts getting jammed up with short circuits of past experiences or present anxious thoughts, the whole system begins to shut down. Communication to the body is not as effective, and in all the noise, the horse and chariot lose connection to the bliss of the soul. This leads to a lack of sense of purpose and proper decision making, which ultimately leads to illness.

The body, the machine that carries the soul and follows the commands of the mind, must be cared for as such... a machine. The fuel that we put into it, including food, entertainment, and environment, all affect the efficiency of its function and the durability of its use. The quality of food we put into it is determined by the efficiency by which it is absorbed, and the usability of its nutrient content. The effect of entertainment on the body is evidenced by the hormonal and emotional changes that occur while watching television or listening to music. The effect of environment on the body is evidenced by the stress response that occurs in those living in an abusive environment compared to one that is uplifting and peaceful.

It is through the integration of a healthy mind, body, and soul, that one can move through life in bliss and fulfillment. The malfunction of one affects the entire system.





**Photo credit to "NOVA- Building Pharaoh's Chariot" on PBS