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Reprogramming your Body

The path to prosperity and happiness starts with your gut, and research shows that the brain connection with the gut is more intimate than we thought we knew.

This connection is an important aspect to understand before you usher the journey of reprogramming your body.

Why does stress play a part in our health?

According to studies, the human body reacts to stress via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and this is first and foremost point to remember.

When stimuli is processed as stress, it triggers the hypothalamus to send signals to the pituitary gland and the adrenals. This activity of the pituitary and adrenals activates the fight or flight response, which re-allocates the energy and support that was going to less pertinent activities of the body such as digestion and secretion, and channels them to sympathetic nervous systems. This heightens the senses, increases heart rate, and stimulates vasodilation of the lungs. As long as the stimuli is present and the stress is being processed, secondary systems are compromised. In short, the gut is compromised.

Importance of the gut -brain axis?

The gut-brain axis directs the biochemical signal that helps with communication between the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Second most important part to remember.

There is very limited data available but researchers have drawn links between gastrointestinal pathology and psychiatric neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, autism, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative disorders. This is nothing new to age old Vedic healers, who have maintained that the path to happiness lies with in our gut, and that leads to all around prosperity.

See the correlation here? High stress=compromised gut, compromised gut=unstable mind and emotions. Even beyond the influence of stress, an unhealthy diet and unhealthy habits can destabilize the gut, which can in turn, destabilize themind. In order to attain a stable mind and stable gut once discomfort or disease has manifested, some recalibration is necessary.

Now comes the part, what should you do to attain the goal of reprogramming your body?

Step 1: Register, all the communication between you and the coach are private and are a necessary step before being accommodated in any program.  *Note, merely registering will not grantee you coaching, there are rigid pre requisites that vary based on your unique needs.

This initial conversation will help you and the coach underline what it will take to get to Step 2.

Step 2: Initial interview: lasting approximately 30-45 minutes,  it is a 360 point analysis of Lifestyle, diet, health history, emotional well-being, financial well-being, and social habits .

Step 3: The coach will review the data, and build a corresponding plan. We may request your fitness and heath care provider's consent if you are under direct supervision for any illness, or if you were under direct care in the last 3 months. Once both agree to the regimen, a program will be set for you. Programs may include diet, exercise requirements, meditation, and holistic habits. *No medical advice can be provided by the coach, this program is to augment your health care provider directives, if any, not to replace them.

Step 4: Program and monitoring starts.


Thakur, Dr. Ajit & Shakya, Anshul & Husain, Gulam & Emerald, Mila & Kumar, Vikas. (2014). Gut-microbiota and mental health: Current and future perspectives. Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology. 2. 1-15.

Even, Naïla & Devaud, Jean-Marc & Barron, Andrew. (2012). General Stress Responses in the Honey Bee. insects. 3. 1271-1298. 10.3390/insects3041271.

Thakur, Dr. Ajit & Dey, Amitabha & Chatterjee, Shyam & Kumar, Vikas. (2015). Reverse Ayurvedic pharmacology of Ashwagandha as an adaptogenic anti-diabetic plant: A pilot study. Current Traditional Medicine. 1. 51-61. 10.2174/2215083801999150527115205.