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Four Legged Friends

Photo credit to "Ihorse" at Diamond P Ranch

The Four Legged Friends program is designed with both the human and the animal in mind. It is a practice in self observation through the mirror of the other, the other being your designated Mentor (four legged friend). It is an exercise in observing how one's actions cause reactions in the other, and a reflection on the urge to take control or assert dominance. Of course, friendly guides, or "referees" are always present to ensure no one is hurt, but they are trained to allow the interaction to remain as organic and personal as possible, and allow both participants to express themselves in the most natural way according to their comfort. Over a span of time, the participant builds a bond of trust with their mentor in a way that is completely organic and unique to their relationship. Once a friendship is formed, then the real fun begins!

Each participant is assigned only one animal for the length of their stay. This is for the benefit of both, allowing consistency and familiarity throughout the practice. With each interaction, the relationship becomes more complex, and the tasks that the participants are assigned increase in difficulty. For example, the first day is just working with the animal without any halter or tie, allowing the pair to acclimate to each other, followed by emotionally expressive exercises for the participant to observe and note the reactions in the mentor. After familiarization stages, the pair is asked to complete a simple obstacle course within the arena.  It may seem simple to the outside observer, but getting man and animal to work together without a sense of dominance or control is an art in and of itself. As the relationship deepens, the tasks become more complex, and the opportunities to learn about one's behavior in new environments with new stimuli enrich the experience.

Careful observation of the emotional and psychological changes that occur with change of environment and intentional stimuli allows the participant to deepen their understanding of social interactions, the role of emotions during adaptation, and the variability of expression. This mental and emotional acuity translates beautifully into education for leadership roles, a better home life, and alleviation of social anxieties.  Animal therapy has been successfully used for those with PTSD, Autism, Spectrum disorders, Epilepsy, and social disabilities(Hilde et al).

If participants are overjoyed with their experience and would like to have more time with their mentors, they may return the following year as a referee, and pass on the wisdom they gathered from their experience onto the next attendees.

We are so blessed to have the gentle wisdom of our four legged friends to grant us a window through which we are able to better observe ourselves. Their innocent presence and authentic interaction are an irreplaceable tool with which we can deepen understanding of ourselves and uncover the parts which need healing. As we become more authentic ourselves, we are able to carry the beacon of non-judgemental presence and truth that is expressed through the gentle stewards of mother earth... our four legged friends.



Hauge, Hilde et al. “Equine-Assisted Activities and the Impact on Perceived Social Support, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy among Adolescents – an Intervention Study.” International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 19.1 (2014): 1–21. PMC. Web. 24 Aug. 2018.