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Sacred Sound

"One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

The most profound aspect of that is that music doesn't just hit, it moves through us. When a "molecule" of sound hits our physiology, it causes the physiology to vibrate at the frequency of the sound molecule that hit it. Every atom of our being reacts to the vibration. Just as a certain sound causes a specific reverberation in our ear drum and we can identify it as a C sharp, every sound has its own frequency and reverberation, every sound has its own effect.

The primordial utterance "Aum" is said to be the first and foundational sound of the universe. Everything is reverberating molecules, everything is made up of atoms, which are made up of more space than matter, their circumference made up of infinitesimal balls of electricity orbiting a more infinitesimal material core. Sound is vibration, so everything that vibrates has a sound, including every molecule and atom in existence. Just because the sounds aren't audible to our ears doesn't mean they aren't present. The intricacy of our ears was developed over eons of time to pick up the sounds and vibrations that would aid in our survival, and trained to tune out all the rest. Because of the limitations of our senses, it is easy to forget what lies beyond them, and how the extra stimuli influence us.

The influence of sound is what we have dedicated our research to, and what we have harnessed to instill lasting changes in the physiology. A sound bath can elevate mood, alleviate pain, and bring one's entire physiology to a synchronous state. This cohesion of body and mind aligns one with their highest vibrational potential without the extra mental noise that so often stagnates and disrupts the flow of consciousness. In this state, one can experience bliss, higher cognitive functioning, enhanced memory, and a more grounded emotional foundation.

Sound is so integrated into our beings that certain sounds can be correlated with emotions. For example, a baby hearing their mother's voice is forever ingrained into their psychology as a comforting sound, and continues to foster comfort even into their adult life. Emotions can be correlated with sound by the way different tones can draw different feelings out of a person. A B flat minor chord instills a feeling of unease and melancholy while a C major chord evokes a feeling of joy and accomplishment.

Beyond tone, is frequency, the frequency of the natural resting state or meditative state of the brain is the Theta state, between 4 and 9 Hz. In this state, there is higher brain cohesion between hemispheres, stronger intuition, and better problem solving capabilities. In our modern world, people spend most of their day in the Beta state of mind, between 15 and 30 Hz. This state is heavily dependent on the frontal lobes, and is known as the "thinking mind". Spending long hours and work weeks in this state creates issues in sleep patterns, stress response, and emotion metabolism. If we are unable to bring the brain down to its natural resting state, and we constantly keep the brain in this frontal pattern, cohesion becomes compromised and emotional/mental balance ensues.

The use of sacred sound at our Oasis is meant to evoke your emotions and invoke your higher self. We use frequency to bring the brain to its natural resting state faster than is possible with meditation alone. By using sound therapy as a medium for physiological and psychological change, we are able to penetrate deep into every being, and establish the foundations for a more empowered, aware, and rejuvenated you.